Monday, March 23, 2009

Coma Kitten

2 weeks ago - or maybe 3 now the amazing Dr Au had a little kitten dropped off . He was pretty tiny and very flat. He had suffered a brain injury and been put outside in a box (presumably to die). A neighbourhood cat found him and picked him up and brought him home. The people quickly realized they couldn't cope with a kitten in a coma. Dr Au is carefully nursing him back to health. He had a couple of days of scary seizures and is now blind but his disabilities aren't stopping him at all. He needs a good name - I have been calling him Coma Kitten, others call him Dopey, Danny or just plain old Mr Kitten. I'll have to get Tom thinking about it. Please feel free to suggest away as well :)

(here Coma Kitty is mauling Thea in the hopes of getting a game going!)


Terri said...

Poor baby. You're so kind to take care of him. Hope he's on the road to recovery - how sad/sweet/heartrending that another cat rescued him!

Terri said...

Adding: he is so cute! Who could resist him? And kitty playing with the dog - adorable!

Sharon said...

Andrea, what about Airmid, Celtic God of Healing, Medicine, and Spring. Brings the dead back to life. ?